Every individuals has diverse and changing needs and with experience of more than 15 yrs.,We offer innovative and sound investment solutions to suite your specific requirements our services provide high level investment services such as retirment planning, investment planning,portfolio management, insurance planning, estate planning etc..
We believe in financal planning because it gives more clarity in life, provides direction and meaning to ur financial decision.it will help us to provide right balance between present and future life style.
At MIDADANI investments first,we asses a customers present position,prioritise his need and goals as per his risk apetite and ,then suggest the proper financial product(s) required to fulfil those goals.
We also strongly believe that investment planning is not an one time affair.as in farming,one”s financial health requires nuturing and caring,regular review,changing plans as per changing needs and regular follow-ups to ensue a rich harvest.
One should depend on goal based investment strategy n hence beyond financial planning,we help in developing financial plans and guiding clients to meet their financial goals
Beware of kickbacks and rebates,because it kills your money